I feel like Ag tubers that are small should get product from Ag too it is not that fair . That people that have small Ag channels don't get free product from AG. When Ag did Joss's clue did you notice that people that unbox those clues are people with a big AG channel ? Well I was thinking does AG have bigger Ag channel get to open the clues because they wan't views and money !?!?! I was kind of thinking that but thier dolls are already expensive so why ?
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Well About AG sending the only the big AG tubers free product is they usually review them and talk about it. Then more people see that review if they Send it to and AG tuber with 100K Subscribers VS An AG tuber with 100 Subscribers. And with the clues for Joss, as you may know, the last clue they did was from AG4AllAges, an AG tube channel with only 1K subscribers. IDK if this really helped but yeah.
I feel like more AGTubers should be able to get the free products for reviews and stuff. If they chose smaller people, they might not get as many views, but if AG publicized the reviews, then AG gets a review video and the AGTuber gets more watchers-Win-win! Or AG could say 100 subscribers gets $ worth of stuff IF AG wants to or find the channel worthy (Like something they want to represent AG-like don't give free stuff to someone who's mean or is inappropriate or something). 200 subscribers gets $$, 300 gets $$$, and so one. The bigger your channel is, the more expensive stuff you get. Like you could get Mix & Match stuff for 100 subscribers and the Camp Hangout for 1,000 or something. But AG doesn't tell anyone, they just do it because otherwise people might just do it for the products, and that's not okay. IDK. Those are just some of my ideas. :)